David Cameron’s rap song

British Prime Minister David Cameron performs a Conservative Party rap with the help of some heavy-duty editing by a YouTuber calling himself CassetteBoy. Contains some naughty language (see the lyric below). Probably not safe for work, but that of course depends on where you work. If your job is at Labour HQ, you’re likely golden.

Link: http://youtu.be/0YBumQHPAeU

The words are below.

I’m hardcore and I know the score
And I am disgusted by the poor
And my chums matter more
Because we are the law
And I’ve made sure
We’re ready for class war
Taking money from the man who works long hours
Giving power to the tycoons in the glass towers
That is why I can look you in the eye
And say This is the party of the motherfuckers
We don’t care about them other suckers
Because this is the party of the motherfuckers
And no, I don’t think that’s a dirty word
So let the beat drop
I come here with flows right from the top
Everybody knows if you work in a shop
We won’t help you, and do you know what?
People rising from the bottom to the top
Has got to stop
We have the bravery
To bring back slavery.
Working in a supermarket
Is just the start of it
My friends
There is no job at the end of it
You will be working for your benefits
Let me get this off my chest
Saying yes
We are selling the NHS
And we’ll give you less
And that is just for starters
Even after privatising sticking plasters
It is a social disaster
That makes our hearts beat faster
Now, I am your master
The last thing this country needs is
Us, the Conservatives
Worse than the alternative
We don’t care
if you’re driven to despair
Don’t you dare say
It’s not fair
I’m not saying it’s not funny
It is for me; I’ve got loads of money
This is the party of the motherfuckers
The country is run for me and my muckers
This is the party of the the motherfuckers
We just don’t care about them other suckers

For those unfamiliar with matters British, “sticking plasters” are what we in the U.S. usually refer to by the trade-name Band-Aids.

The “NHS” is the National Health Service, which funds healthcare for almost everyone in the UK. Cameron has praised it in the past as one of the greatest things about being British, but more and more healthcare services are being provided in the private sector, something critics say amounts to back-door privatization. See this article and this website.

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