The British newspaper The Daily Mail has an entertaining collection of photos of dogs invading the personal space of humans, cats, and other dogs. Click this link to see the page. Here’s just one example: I just the other day … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2015
An Englishman named Charles Babbage created the first design for a general-purpose programmable digital computer, which he called an “analytical engine,” in 1834. He never finished building it (the full machine would have been huge), but at a party he … Continue reading
In this 20-second clip from a Finnish television newscast, anchor Mika Saukkonen introduces weatherman Pekka Pouta, who issues a classic warning: Link: If you can spare another 21 seconds, here’s a follow-up: Link: Incidentally, it might surprise you … Continue reading
I’m sure a lot of work (not by me!) went into matching dance routines from 66 classic musicals to the song “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars (the official music video for which can be found on YouTube … Continue reading
Seen on here. This is one reason I always avoid vacationing near pterodactyl infestations. by … Continue reading
(A caution to sensitive visitors: Both clips below involve the use of strong language, entirely justified in my view.) First, one you’ve likely already seen: John Oliver condemns the terrorists and celebrates France: Link: Below, engineer turned writer and … Continue reading
Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a decorated veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was involved in the operation that tracked down Saddam Hussein and wrote a book about it, We Got Him! A Memoir of … Continue reading
Just recently a friend of mine complained that overuse of computer-generated visual effects have ruined movies. Here’s an interesting response to that: Link: In brief, the problem isn’t the effects, it’s the writing. Meanwhile, today’s digital effects are often … Continue reading
A terrorist group that controls a (now reduced) amount of territory in parts of Iraq and Syria proclaims itself a “caliphate” and an “Islamic state,” designations widely rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of practicing Muslims. Western media … Continue reading
The U.S. dollar is “fiat money,” meaning money that’s just declared into existence, in the dollar’s case by the U.S. Federal Reserve. (“Fiat” is Latin for “let there be” or “let there be made” or “let there be done” as … Continue reading