In the not-too-distant future Earth has been invaded by aliens called “mimics,” which is odd, because they don’t actually seem to mimic anything. In fact, they’re pretty original as aliens go, most of them looking like about a hundred flailing, … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: February 2015
It takes a minute to figure out what you’re looking at on this graph, but once you get the point it’s quite interesting. A title’s horizontal position represents how long ago the story (novel, movie, or whatever) first appeared, with … Continue reading
A retired police dog named Judge had an impressive career in the West Deptford Township Police Department in New Jersey, among other things assisting in the arrest of 152 suspects. In 2013, having served six years on the force, the … Continue reading
Circa 1987 Nicolas Cage said goodbye to his tearful girlfriend Téa Leoni to fly to London for a job with Barclay’s Bank, reassuring her he’d be back. Thirteen years later he’s a rich Wall Street executive who never saw her … Continue reading
Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine (Logan to his friends) may be the most popular character in the X-Men movies, so it’s not surprising that he would get a couple of solo films. The first, set mainly in the 1970s I think, tells … Continue reading
Early I posted a John Oliver clip I said was entertaining but not his best bit. Here’s example of a very good one. It’s reasonably funny but, as often with Oliver’s reports, also informative and substantive and valuable. My respect … Continue reading
In a post here a bit over a year ago (link) I pointed out that a short video on the otherwise excellent Minute Physics YouTube channel managed to confuse pink (basically red plus white light) with magenta (white minus the … Continue reading
This is old-school science fiction set in a huge underground “silo,” a vertical city where a remnant of humanity takes shelter from a deadly surface environment, their only view of the outside coming from a set of live camera images … Continue reading
As one expects from a comic book movie, most of this one is ridiculously over-the-top action, but there’s more to it than that, notably an underlying theme of the trade-offs between freedom and order. It doesn’t have anything too subtle … Continue reading
In this computer animated fantasy adventure a girl in her mid-teens whose mother has just died goes to live with her father in a rambling old country house somewhere in a northeastern U.S. forest. Her parents had apparently split up … Continue reading