I’m not a full-on Bernie Sanders partisan, but I like him well enough and appreciate his willingness to speak frankly. I do wish he wouldn’t insist on calling himself a “democratic socialist” since he’s not a socialist in the normal sense of the word but rather what in Europe would be called a social democrat, a species of moderate. True socialists believe in state control of major industries, whereas social democrats favor such things as public education, healthcare as a right, reasonable business regulations, and so on.
Below, in an appearance on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in mid-August, Senator Sanders concisely summarizes his views, which I found pretty interesting. The two segments below are from before and after a commercial. The main discussion is in the first video.
Link: https://youtu.be/NaNkgtEnrW0
Link: https://youtu.be/dUIA_Ga6q4E