Nous sommes tous français

I haven’t said anything yet about the barbaric attacks in Paris, mainly because I couldn’t think of anything, but I just saw a news item worth mentioning: At the start of yesterday’s Army-Tulane game, the football team of the United States Military Academy at West Point took the field bearing the American and French flags. Good for them. There’s more, including video, here. As that article notes, the United States Naval Academy also flew the French flag yesterday. (One correction: the article incorrectly refers to students at the Naval Academy as “cadets.” They are midshipmen.)

On 2015 September 12, the day after the United States was struck by terrorists, the French newspaper Le Monde carried the headline “Nous sommes tous Américains” — “We are all Americans” — (the accompanying thoughtful editorial can be found here). There was an outpouring of sympathy from all over the world, with many moving tributes, including flowers and candles lit outside American embassies and consulates. The same has happened again with regard to the attacks in Paris.

We should remember the many other innocent victims of terrorists as well, not just here and in Europe but all around the world.

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