More very short movies

Here are a couple more very short films I liked, following up on the collection of 15-minute scary films featured Monday.

Picture Perfect: 30 seconds of romance from Jay Haynes


Early Bird: a minute of dark comedy from the HeavyMetalFlute YouTube channel


The first was created by Jay Haynes and stars himself and his wife Jayme. Their son Neil was the camera operator. I don’t know them, but Jay runs an interesting YouTube channel with tutorials explaining how to do special effect with HitFilm Pro and HitFilm Express. HitFilm is excellent video editing and effects software, and the Express version (not as powerful as Pro but still remarkably good) is free.

I know nothing about the people behind the second film except that the YouTube channel belongs to a professional musician.

The short film competition mentioned is one created by the Shiny Films YouTube channel, which also offers free filmmaking tutorials using HitFilm and the powerful free imaging and animation software Blender.

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