According to the latest CNN poll released yesterday, Trump leads the rest of the GOP field among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents with 24 percent versus 13 percent for runner-up Jeb Bush. In addition, he was the second choice of 14 percent of voters. (Full details of the poll can be found at this link. Other recent opinions surveys show similar results.)
What I found particularly interesting (and surprising) is that the poll shows Trump even farther in the lead on specific issues: 45 percent rate him the best choice on the economy, 44 percent on immigration, and 32 percent on dealing with ISIL (the self-declared “Islamic State” also known as ISIS). No other Republican candidate comes close. He’s also the top choice on “social issues,” but by a much smaller margin (19 percent versus 15 for second-place Jeb Bush).
When only those polled who identify themselves as conservatives are counted, Trump wins even more overwhelmingly as the best choice on the economy and immigration, with 50 percent support in each.
Trump is the top choice for president among both men and women surveyed who favor the Republican Party, but by a significantly bigger margin among men. Surprisingly, though, women rate Trump a bit higher than men do in terms of favorability, with 60 percent of Republican women viewing him favorably versus 57 percent of Republican men, despite the widespread impression that publicity about Trump’s insulting remarked about women would seriously hurt his standing with women (not to mention men who respect women).
Months ago Trump’s poll numbers were much, much worse, so obviously his standing with rank-and-file pro-Republican voters has greatly improved over the past several months despite strong opposition to him from the Republican establishment, including Fox News and leading pundits, who keep predicting that something — attacks on Mexico, McCain, or women — will sink his campaign any day now.
So here, in honor of the Republican frontrunner, is Josh Groban singing some of Trump’s most notable tweets, which prove once again that he’s the man who puts the twit in Twitter:
[Updated to correct my embarrasingly dumb misspelling of Josh Groban’s name.]