Jon Stewart’s salute to Donald Trump

It’s disturbing to realized that after making his recent stupid and offensive remarks about Mexicans, Donald Trump actually went up in polls of GOP voters and is near the top of the field. But we should remember that there are so many Republicans running for president that even the top-rated ones are barely in double digits, so it’s not like Trump has overwhelming support. His biggest advantage is name recognition.

Update (2015 July 15): Or maybe not. Steve Benen points out that a Washington Post-ABC News poll released July 15 shows Trump’s approval/disapproval rating among GOP voters has rocketed from 23/65 to 57/40 percent since a poll in late May. Keep in mind that this at the same time his offensive remarks about Mexicans have drawn widespread condemnation across the board, including from Republicans like Ben Stein, who has compared Trump to George Wallace “but without George Wallace’s charm” and said, “I can’t see him doing anything but damage to the Republican Party.” (Among the general public, the same latest WaPo/ABC poll shows Trump with 33/61 approval/disapproval now versus 16/71 in late May.)

Still, it’s useful to see Trump’s nonsense exposed, and Jon Stewart is the guy to do it:

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Jon Stewart’s salute to Donald Trump — 1 Comment

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