Review: Hot Tub Time Machine (2010 movie)

Old friends John Cusack, Craig Robinson, and Rob Corddry, along with Cusack’s young nephew Clark Duke, go to a ski resort that was popular when the three friends were younger. Alas, it has now gone to seed, but when a spilled bottle of a weird Russian energy drink zaps the controls of their hot tub, they find themselves transported back to 1986 and (from the perspective of everyone else) young again. In fact, except for the nephew, they’re occupying the very bodies they had during a previous visit to the resort.

Having some familiarity with sf, they they strive to relive the events as closely as possible as they remember them in order to avoid coming back to an altered future, assuming they ever make it back.

This is a really, really dumb movie that still manages to be laugh-out-loud funny in a few places. It’s also cringe-provoking, sometimes at the same time that it’s being funny, as when one of the guys, hospitalized at the start of the film, is so anxious to get started on the ski trip that he doesn’t want to wait for a nurse to remove his Foley catheter and instead just grabs hold with both hands and pulls. If you’ve seen The Hangover, picture it with time travel thrown in and you’ll have a reasonably good notion of this movie. I admit I laughed a fair amount, but I’m not proud of myself.


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Review: Hot Tub Time Machine (2010 movie) — 1 Comment

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