The latest from Sarah Silverman

And Lizz Windstead. Amazingly enough, it’s a Sarah Silverman video that’s almost safe for work, as least as far as vocabulary goes, absent one little naughty word that goes by so fast you might not notice. Politically, on the other hand, it might not be safe for work at all, depending on where you work. (If the company has “Koch” in the name, don’t even think about it.)

This is part of a series of videos from, a project of American Bridge 21st Century and the Jewish Council for Education and Research, and it’s the only one I’ve seen so far that tries to avoid Bad Words. As an old Navy veteran I’m not at all offended by an expanded vocabulary of nautical terms, but I mention it because I realize some of you %@$# might be.

Thanks to my brother Tom for pointing this out.

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