In a Fox News interview yesterday, Mitt Romney said he thought it was fine for gay couples to adopt children, but he doesn’t think they should be allowed to marry.
Maybe I’m just too old-fashioned, but I think most of the time children are better off when their parents are committed to each other in marriage rather than merely cohabiting. Apparently Romney disagrees, but he doesn’t even try to explain why.
Also, when a reporter recently asked Mitt Romney about his position on same-sex marriage, Romney suggested that it was a silly question to ask him because he was running for president and marriage is a state matter. But in the clip above he says there should be a national standard limiting marriage to mixed-sex couples.
(Updated: TPM finally got this clip into their YouTube channel, so I’ve switched to video above to use that, which means the earlier problem with tiny clip size is gone.)

False choice fallacious argument —
D Gary Grady : Maybe I’m just too old-fashioned, but I think most of the time children are better off when their parents are committed to each other in marriage rather than merely cohabiting.
Yeah, the choice is marriage or nothing. Yeah. Never heard of that thing called civil unions that would give gay people the same benefits under that law that heterosexual’s enjoy. No. Can’t have that. The poor children, think of the children people, the poor children will suffer because the gays can’t usurp marriage.
Unfortunately, in practice civil unions aren’t legally equivalent to marriage in the U.S. Your “usurp marriage” line doesn’t even make sense, unless you think allowing same-sex marriage means no marriage for anybody else.
One additional thing: While I appreciate your visiting my blog and commenting on it, you’ve suddenly started flooding it with angry abuse accusing me of being a liar and the like. For the record, while I’m certainly not infallible and appreciate corrections — ideally when the corrections are actually correct! — I don’t set out to mislead anybody. I don’t believe you do, either, though as it happens you make quite a lot of factual mistakes.
I very much respect your right to your opinion, but I don’t feel an obligation to redistribute personal abuse, so I have not approved (and will not be approving) comments I consider merely abusive. Instead, I urge everyone interested in your viewpoint to visit your website at I’m sure it makes for interesting reading, and I wish you well.