Nicely done short sf adventure film

Here’s a short (under-seven-minute) science fiction adventure film based on the video game Portal. It’s a bit slow at first, but it gets better:

It reportedly took a year and a half to make and if I’m not mistaken was first released to public viewing via YouTube on August 23. It has already acquired its own fan base and prompted talk of a big-budget feature-length version, though I gather there are also critics who object that it’s too one-dimensional, lacking the game’s sense of humor. Maybe so, but that’s a deficiency that could more easily be addressed in a longer version. I like the idea of an adventure hero who doesn’t just go around shooting people, and I hope the filmmakers go on to grander things.

There’s a short commentary from Liz Shannon Miller here and a one-minute video report from the movie news channel Clevver Movies here.

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