Jon Oliver on Santorum’s politically excessive honesty

The Daily Show‘s John Oliver makes a funny but valid point: Rick Santorum tends to blurt out what he really means, whereas other Republicans candidates have figured out how to avoid doing that.

In short, Santorum may be nuts, but at least he’s honest.

Another point in Santorum’s defense, by the way: He’s currently catching hell for complaining to a New York Times reporter about asking him a question that misrepresented what he said. Critics (including Mitt Romney) are jumping all over this, but the fact is Santorum had a point. He had said (with obvious hyperbole) that Romney was the worst Republican for the party to run against Obama. The reporter accused Santorum of saying Romney is “the worst Republican” — which is clearly not the same thing at all.

I’d never vote for Santorum, but at least he’s not a serial liar like Romney.

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